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Administrator Log On | Set Up | Copy to Local | Permissions | Groups | Admin. Workplan | Admin. Notification | Admin. Calendar | Admin. Action Items | Admin. Email Table | Admin.Search (document) | Admin. Search (attributes) | Admin. Search (document attributes) | Admin. History | File Merge | Document Merge | Admin. Attributes (proposal) | Admin. Attributes (general) | Admin. Attributes (document) | Banner Message | Broadcast Message | Users | Zone | Glossary (Definitions)


Check-in enables a user to check a document back in that was previously checked out. If file transfer compression is not turned off by the system admin, non-graphics files larger than 1 MB will be compressed and then decompressed automatically as they transfer to and from the server. You can turn compression off and on for the current session, from the main menu by selecting VPC/Advanced Options.

If the document was checked out for editing, Check-in updates it with the revised version (the previous version is saved in a past version folder). If it was checked out for review, the document is saved in a review folder for that document with the user's name and the version number appended to the file name. If a document already exists in the review folder for that user and that version, a letter will be appended (e.g., 2a, 2b, 2c....) so multiple copies of the review documents can be saved. All review documents, except for the latest review document, will be stored in a "version" subfolder underneath the review folder. If the document was originally checked out for editing, Check-in removes the "lock" placed on the document so other updates can be made.

VPC can be configured to store up to a maximum number of previous versions. Once the maximum number is reached, the next time a document is checked in, the oldest version fo the file will be deleted while keeping the history intact. Any review documents associated with the deleted version will also be deleted.

When checking back in a document, VPC prompts for file location (it looks for where the document was last placed, but the user can indicate a new folder if that has changed). The user must indicate the exact file if the name has been changed, otherwise just pointing to the correct folder will suffice. If the file name has changed, VPC will change it back to the original name when it was checked out. The local file name will be entered in the first line of the comments field so that users can see that it was changed.

At this point a panel will open with up to 4 options:

  1. Delete the local document copy. Check box if desired. Default state is determined by state of "Delete Local Copy on Check-in" preference in User Profile. When deleted, local copy will be sent to the recycle bin.
  2. Send document notification (if authorized by admin), check box if desired. This will send a document notification broadcast message to desired recipient the next time they send any type of request to VPC. An email can be sent as well. A panel will open giving capability to:
    • select the recipient
    • select a classification if one or more has been defined. This is optional unless configured for mandatory selection.
    • enter a message
    • select the hours till expiration
    • additionally send an email (default)
    • CC sender (default)
    There will be a warning and request to edit if the message size exceeds the limit. (The default limit is 255 characters.) If adding multiple files at same time, only one notification is permitted for all. If a classification is specified, it will show in beginning of email subject and on first line of broadcast message. Emails sent will not be added to Email table. Third Party user ability to send document notifications is configurable.
  3. If the user has at least one task assigned to their userid without an actual completion date already entered, option to automatically update the Workplan with a completion date for that task. If checked, a panel will open with all the tasks assigned to that userid. Tasks assigned to a group, of which that user may be a member, are not shown. Select one.
  4. If the proposal is configured for it, the user can update the document status. A selector allows the user to pick one of a defined list of states for the document. These are setup by the Sys Admin and are zone-specific.

When all selections are made, click on Finish

Check-in of multiple files simultaneously is permitted by using the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple files in the Check-in table. When this feature is used, the workplan update feature is disabled. Any comments entered will be applied to all files.

An owner of a document that is checked out, can choose to update the document while keeping it checked out. Updating will give other users the chance to see the most recent work without the owner losing ownership, or having to check the document back out. To update a document, right-click on the document in any tree view and select Update Document. The update process will present a reminder to save the document before proceeding. On continuing VPC will prompt for the document location,then perform a Check-in operation and an automatic Check-out, both transparent to the user. The version number will be incremented and document history updated appropriately. No Check-in option panel will be presented to the user, so there will be no possibility to delete local copy, send document notification, change document status or update workplan.

The System Admin, or a user that has a file checked out for review or edit, can undo the check-out. NOTE: This is not an alternative way to check the document in. Select file in table, or in tree view, and click on Undo... button or right click and select Undo Checked-out Document. If the file is checked out for review or edit, and the owner clicks on the Undo button, the document check-out will be undone after a warning. If the owner has it checked out for both edit and review, they will be given the option to select which type, or both, to undo. When the System Admin clicks on Undo, if the file is only checked out for edit, or only checked out for review by a single user, the document check-out will be undone, after a warning. If the file is checked out for both edit and review, or for review by multiple users, the System Admin will be able to select which check-outs to undo. In all cases, when any check-out is undone the document history table will be updated.

Any user with at least read permission for a document that is checked out, can subscribe to it and receive a broadcast message and an email when the document is checked in. Subscription is done via context menu (right-click) in tree view in any panel. See Tree View help for more information.

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